Thursday, 26 February 2015

Why Lean not working well with us?

           I am back with Lean again, but as tradition(!!!) of this blog I will not go with more technical discussion about lean. Let us focus first that why such business excellence systems are not working that much well (or sometime not at all well) with industries in our region (considering local industries of Gujarat).
         First of all let me give you brief about origin of lean systems. Such manufacturing system has originated in Japan; Toyota here I should mention. Such efficient system became requirement for Japan as they lost badly in WWII and due to it geographical location which makes this country to rely much on raw material exported from outer world. In scarcity of resources only option left for Japanese companies to make an efficient system which optimize resources and give better output. For many years of improvement finally they achieved state of manufacturing excellence. This part of story may be known to many of us, let's now see their routine life... they have markings on railway stations, streets are crowded but very disciplined. At our country what we see is very different, people throw garbage and spit everywhere, crowds are uncontrolled at bus stands and railways stations and even at so called sophisticated restaurants have such crowd too.
      As per lean things to be kept well, in place, clean and in a systematic manner but we learn this while we reach to industry at the age of nearly 20-21, till that time we have never learn about such methods and this make us uncomfortable. Management forcefully try to implement even management itself is not following this methodology. Senior personals of the company are keeping their offices out of the 5S drive and expect that people down the line follow 5S implementation cycle just to show the customers and for photographs.
        The main problem in our region is management keeps itself isolated from implementation. Second problem is too much hurry and total focus on money in shorter span, management should first understand the goals they are expecting from 5S and then implementation with roadmap will work. If 5S is to be implemented for only good photographs without its soul than it will never going to sustain, this system is for work culture improvement and ease of work and this should be the core idea while developing systems inside the plant.
   These are few of my ideas, I request all readers to give their input on it.

1 comment:

  1. Working culture of organization also affect lean implementation for example material delivered at the end of the month and then organization asked to complete revenue target as well as implement lean so both the things not possible at same time
