Humans are yet to learn many answers of unsolved mysteries like: Why universe exists? How it came into existence? How big universe is? Are we alone? Can we travel through dimension of time? Well these many questions and there are few theories surfaces every now and then but there is no answer on it. Time travel is one of the most fascinating concept used in books and movies extensively, which even attracted many of us and gave us some real thrill. From books of H.G. Wells to Avengers End Game and Tenet, we have been mesmerized by concept of time travel. For at least once in our lifetime many of us wanted to experience time travel, many of us wants to see future and many of us wants to go back in time to see dinosaurs roaming on earth, Chanakya giving lessons to Chandragupta Maurya, many desires but this is just a dream. So what time is? Let's follow what Einstein says, just like distance time is one of the dimension. My location is not just point where I am now but when I am there too. In such case one can say that all of our actions are happening not just with reference to place but with time too. Now the question is what is time travel? Just to define it simply we can say that to defy the flow of time and to move within it physically. What if I say that daily we are experiencing time travel? Sounds unbelievable? Well it's not, very significant star in northern sky is Pole star, which is around 433 light years away from us, meaning that the image we are capturing of Pole star in our eyes is 433 years old. With this we can say that we are looking at past or travelling back in time! Sounds fascinating but I consider it as time travel as it falls under basic definition of it. Our night sky is filled with ancient history what we are observing is not of now but of past of thousands and even million year old history. Point here is the more we try to know about universe, the more puzzles comes in front of us. Whether you believe in the theory I have presented or not one thing we all know that there are many questions which will remain unanswered forever. So just enjoy the view from millions of years ago and feel happy that you are able to observe the marvelous creation called universe.