Saturday, 6 February 2021

Innovation and India: An Idea for bridging the gap

 While Indian society and social media mostly focus on lifestyle, glamour, politics and defense upto certain extent there's a void for debates and discussion over state of science and technology. Recent data of innovation index shows that we have climbed up 4 numbers and entered into top 50. South Korea leads the chart followed by Singapore and Switzerland while our all weather competitor China ranked 16th. Second most populated nation and has ancient history of many innovations why such struggle today? It's understandable that during constant invasions we have struggled a lot but even after transfer of power from British to Indian parliament why there's no change? For me biggest reason is making science as taboo and labelling it as very tough subject while reality is that our British made education system and continuation of it took all interest away from science and made it a boring subject. Science is nothing but matter of learning nature. This leads to less people opting for it and even those who are studying it gets either too much difficult or over simplified. The essence of making changes and creating something new gets away in this process. When the kid comes out of the college the target being given is to earn more and more no matter what you have studied, well this part can not be ignored as in reality it's tough to maintain a good life in India if you are born in lower middle class hence you have to spend your life in maintaining that balance and many bright minds gets rusty there. At workplaces the approach is simple, just follow what you are being told, in some cases 'jugaads' are hailed as biggest achievements and there's nothing to think beyond it. So collective approach of society, education and industries have not promoted innovation. This is the problem and cause, now what about solution? Shall we just keep repeating this ranting and wait for someone to come up with idea? Well I do have an idea which I don't know when will be implemented. We are out of government and systems so most we can do to education is to write to government about changing syllabus so let's not talk more about it. We don't have multi million dollar organization which can hire scientists and create a research lab on our own so one thing left with enthusiasts like me which is partnered labs. Institutes, Industries and science enthusiasts can come together and develop small labs which will provide basic facilities and small funds for initial phases for any research. While industries can invest money, institutes can help with books, some apparatus from their labs and volunteers can co-ordinate, guide and help researchers to get those resources and knowledge they need. From cellphones to weapon systems we are fully dependent on other countries which is not at all in our favor, if India want to become a global leader it must first establish itself in domain of innovation and technology. Let's not wait for something big to happen, let's do our bit. This is our nation and our society, I dream to see India in top 25 by 2030 and in top 10 by 2047. It sounds very crazy but it is achievable. I request people to join hands for this and let's come together to establish such innovation labs. Let's have first few labs for innovation on transportation and agriculture.