Friday, 29 April 2016

Reservation or Deservation?

    Reservation is hot topic now in Gujarat. But as promised this blog is not going to argue on whether reservation should be there or not as there are many people already arguing on it. Today I want to share idea's which can show what we can change or we want  whether we have reservation or not.
     Whatever we speak, finally we are just caste or religious puppets, we need reservation we need free goods from government but no one raising questions for getting all that we deserve. I raise few issues as a young Indian (not as a taxpayer but as a son of this soil).
     Idea of reservation says that few castes in our nation has been thrashed socially by some other so called upper castes, so now by providing reservation we can give them opportunity to rise in society. In words this idea looks good but I believe it will create some hidden thoughts of social revenge and we can see it by agitations themed like antibrahminvaad, anti-manuvaad. I always think can't we make all castes simply equal? If a child is not supposed to write his caste in all documents required by government he may not be bound with caste-ism. Why don't we allow a child to be just an Indian citizen? We have very poor mentality to just get stuck with past and not to live in present to make future better. There was injustice in past so now we will counter with reservation system again for centuries and again few castes will fight, by this we are keeping ourselves in a vicious circle. All this will give us only one result : a divided Indian society.
    Some may say that my thoughts are anti-dalit or anti-reservation. I am not anti-dalit but yes I am anti-reservation based on castes. Does our birth is by choice? No, then why to give status to a person based on his birth! I believe this is the time to think that in what direction we want to take our nation? Are we going to make a society where everyone is just a caste and religion lover and no nation lover? Think that situation in future and soldiers in army may ask that they will protect people from their caste only, doesn't this sound very scary? You may say this is just a poor imagination but my friends this may happen true after few decades if caste crisis going to continue like this. This is the time when we have to stand up and say we need equality. Let us take those caste to equality which are said to be suppressed castes and which are so called upper castes.
    I am tired of answering I am from which caste, Can't we have a system which just treat us as humans? Politicians, so called media are just playing with emotions to get their desired results, can any person show me that so called big caretakers of dalit samaj have done any progressive work? Answer is a big NO.
  Think on these arguments, if you feel to express your thoughts you may revert to this post. My only demand is equality to all, no suppressed no upper just humans only.